What better place to focus on the environmentally-friendly side of life than in your own apartment kitchen? We’ve got tips for operating a green (or greener) kitchen.
Clean naturally
One of the easiest ways to create an eco-friendly kitchen is to limit the chemicals that pass through it. There are many different kinds of natural cleaning products that have been proven to clean just as effectively as their harsher counterparts, and green cleaning does not have to be expensive. (You might already have some of these useful cleaning products in your apartment, in fact.) Baking soda is a great way to keep your apartment kitchen sink and countertops shining, toothpaste can keep your silver shining, and vinegar can clean nearly anything in your kitchen — and refresh your coffee pot, too!
Manage your refuse
In addition to recycling your trash appropriately, composting apartment kitchen scraps is another great way to cut down on waste and also give something nice to your apartment garden.
Be energy smart
You can make smart decisions about the small appliances you purchase for your apartment kitchen. Microwaves, toasters, and all kinds of electronics vary in the amount of energy they use. Look for Energy Star-certified models of electronic devices. You can also save energy by selecting compact florescent light bulbs (CFLS) and plugging your appliances into a power strip that you can turn off when you’re not using them.
Buy locally
Buying your food from nearby producers saves money on fuel, as well as the paper and plastic used to package and ship food grown far away. Supporting local farmers is also good for your community’s economy. You can even go ultra-local and grow some of your food in a balcony garden, or get your feet wet with an herb garden.
The kitchen isn’t merely the room that sustains you and your household; it can also be a spot where you help sustain the environment at large. With a little effort and some smart choices, your apartment kitchen can serve up green as a main course.