Even though you may feel very safe in your apartment community, don’t neglect your home security. Be sure your doors and windows are secure with these helpful tips.
Start with your awareness
Keep up your security awareness by remembering to lock your apartment door every time you enter your apartment. Take time to check windows to ensure they are securely closed, and, if you have an alarm system, be sure to enable it.
Install more locks
If your front door doesn’t already have one, ask your landlord about adding a deadbolt, which is more effective than a chain lock alone. A wide-angle peephole is a common feature on an entryway door, so be sure you have one. If you are moving into a formerly occupied unit, inquire whether your landlord has installed new door locks since the last tenant’s occupancy.
Depending on the age and style of your apartment windows, some kind of latch should be standard. You can beef up the security on your windows by adding easy-to-install runner locks that make it impossible to slide your windows open, even if the latch is breached. However, before making major changes to your doors or windows, be sure to get your apartment manager’s approval.
Security systems
You might decide that electronic security would bring you peace of mind in your apartment. If your apartment does not have an alarm, consider installing a wireless, portable home security system. These are easy to install and portable; you can bring the system with you when you vacate the apartment. Visit SimpliSafe.com for an example of a system that does not require a contract for external monitoring.
Home security begins with you. Know the vulnerable spots in your apartment, and fortify any weaknesses to make your apartment that much harder to break into. Also practice common-sense security at all times so that you don’t provide thieves with an unintentional invitation.