Every Mother deserves a little recognition! Here are some ideas for gifts to give on Mother's Day
Flowers: Send a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Or create your own arrangement and hand deliver!
Jewelry: Select a unique piece of jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings are good options.
Gift cards: Let your Mom pick out her own gift! Give her a gift card to her favorite place to eat, her favorite salon or her favorite store. Other great ideas are amazon.com cards or overstock.com cards.
Spa day: Take a day to spend time with your Mom at a salon or spa. Get a massage together, or get new hair styles. Pair this with lunch and it's a great gift! Or, you can always give her a gift card to spend the day at the spa on her own.
Eat out: Go out for a nice breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner!
Books: If your Mom is a book lover, consider getting a gift card to her favorite book store. Or put together a basket filled with books, bookmarks and a reading light.
Pajamas: Get some snuggly pajamas or a robe. Or a gift card to Victoria's Secret is always nice!
Perfume: Get your Mom her favorite scent!
Or get a new one for her to try.
Lotion basket: Put together a basket full of scented lotions and/or body scrubs.
Make-over: Take your Mom to a department store and let her get a make-up make over! Then buy some of the makeup for her to take home. Or take her to the salon for a new hair style.
Movies: Go to the movies and let your Mom pick the film.
Manicure/Pedicure: Go for a Mother/Daughter manicure and/or pedicure. Or just give your Mom a gift card to go on her own.
Bed and Breakfast: Book a weekend at a bed and breakfast. Spend time connecting with your Mom without interruptions.
Hike: Does your Mom enjoy outdoor activities? Plan a hike and spend the day, walking and talking. Pack a nice picnic lunch.
Slumber party: Plan a Mother/Daughter slumber party. Include other mothers and daughters. Eat good food, play games and enjoy each other.
Movie night at home: Spend an evening watching movies and eating snacks with your Mom.
Dinner Theatre: Make reservations and take your Mom out to a dinner theatre, murder mystery theatre, musical or a comedy club.
New outfit: Pick out a new outfit for your Mom. Or take her to her favorite store, let her try on clothes and buy her favorites.
Shoes: Go to a shoe store with your Mom and let her pick out her favorite pair. Or get her a gift card to go on her own.
Photos: Create a photo book for your Mom online. Or make your own scrapbook to give to her.
Homemade gifts: Make something homemade and special to give to your Mom.
Bath basket: Put together bath beads, bubbles, scrubs, etc.
Tea or Coffee basket: Put your Mom's favorite drinks in with a couple of large mugs, and maybe some shortbreads or another favorite treat.
Chocolate basket: Is your Mom a chocolate lover? Create a bag or basket of her favorites.
Netflix membership: Get your Mom a Netflix gift membership if she enjoys watching movies.
Ipod/music: If your Mom enjoys music get her an Ipod and an ITunes gift card. If she already has the Ipod, just get the gift card.
Read more: How to Choose a Gift for Mother's Day | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4857613_choose-gift-mothers-day.html#ixzz1LCZAdWXA