Thursday, August 11, 2011
Pick Up After Your Pet
Pet waste affects water quality
Every time it rains, thousands of pounds of pet waste wash down storm drains and into streams, rivers and lakes. If not disposed of properly, pet waste flows directly into nearby streams and creeks without being treated at wastewater treatment facilities.
A recent U.S. Geological Survey study of streams and creeks in the Kansas City region showed that bacteria associated with pet waste is the source of approximately 25% of the bacteria in samples collected from local waterways.
When pet waste is disposed of improperly, water quality isn’t the only thing that suffers — your health may be at risk, too. Adults working in their gardens, children playing outside and family pets are the most at risk for infection from some of the bacteria and parasites found in pet waste.
What you can do:
•Pick up pet waste from your yard. It is not a fertilizer.
•Carry disposable bags while walking your dog to pick up and dispose of waste properly. When you dispose of pet waste in the trash, wrap it carefully to avoid spilling during collection.
•Bury pet waste in your yard, at least 12 inches deep and cover with at least eight inches of soil to let it decompose slowly.
•Bury the waste in several different locations and keep it away from vegetable gardens.
•Contact your local parks department to inquire about providing pet waste stations in area parks, along trails and in public places where people frequently walk their dogs.