Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Interested in learning to swim?

Interested in learning to swim?

 The YMCA has a new Pilot Swim Safety Program Teaches Drowning Prevention to Toddlers

Hillsborough County leads the nation in drowning deaths of children under the age of 4.
That’s an alarming statistic that the Tampa Y is doing something about.
Beginning this month, the Y will pilot the Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) program at the South Tampa Y. ISR is a water survival program that trains children as young as 6 months to float, rest, breathe and swim to the wall. The six-week program is taught five days a week for just 10 minutes a day by certified ISR instructors.
The South Tampa Y’s pilot program will be offered to children, ages 6 to 36 months, of first responders, such as firefighters and police officers. Most of these first responders have witnessed the devastating impact accidental drownings have on families.
After the pilot program runs at South Tampa, the Y will expand pilot programs to the Campo Family Y and the New Tampa Family Y.

For more information about the ISR program, please contact Adam Klutts at 813.839.0210.