As smartphones gain popularity, more and more people seem to be experiencing “app attacks.” There are more mobile applications available than ever, offering many different and versatile functions – and new apps are being introduced every day.
Get a head start on loading up your smartphone with these favorite apps that are useful and fun. Note that some are free, while others cost a nominal fee to download.
Find what you are looking for
When you are out and about, smartphones are handy at helping you navigate your neighborhood. Urbanspoon fuels the foodies and helps them use their iPhones, iPads and Android devices to find nearby restaurants, while also providing user reviews. Yelp opens up your world a bit more by giving you instant access to maps showing local businesses of all kinds, along with yelpers’ opinions about the hot spots. And don’t forget the handiest of all apps for apartment hunters — the Apartment Guide iPhone App. With this app, you hold thousands of listings, floor plans, and interactive maps in the palm of your hand, and can quickly contact a community manager to schedule an apartment visit — all from your smartphone.
Rock out!
Not only do smartphones store music, fantastic apps also allow you tune in to Internet radio stations at the click of a button. Pandora is a popular online radio option which helps you choose stations based on your taste in music. It’s available for most smartphone operating systems including Droid, iPhone, Blackberry, Palm and Windows phones. Slacker Radio is a relative newcomer on the scene and is available on most popular devices, as well.
Drive-thru service
Maps and directions offer some of the most practical and helpful assistance provided by smartphone technology. There’s no need to unfold an unwieldy paper map or paw through a multi-page printout from your computer; simply use mobile tools like Google Maps Mobile to pull up driving or biking directions quickly. Tom Tom is a favorite mobile GPS device for the iPhone and iPad. While you are on the road, you can even grab a bite using the Drive-Thru Grub app for the iPhone. (Would you like fries with that app?)
Goof off on the go
Smartphone apps have worked wonders for productivity as they help users get work done on the go. But everyone deserves a little down time. On your next coffee break, enjoy one of the top mobile game apps for a handful of fun. Scrabble for the iPhone will help you hone your keystrokes and vocabulary. If you like the thrill of the chase, try Racing Live for the Droid. Or go old school and download Pacman for your iPhone or Blackberry. (No quarters required.)
Make the most of your smartphone by selecting from the plethora of apps that are available for it. With a simple download, your phone can help you do just about anything. (For even more favorite smartphone apps, check out PC Magazine’s list of the best free apps for all devices.)