They say that real estate is all about location, location, location, and the same is true when it comes to your apartment search. Everybody wants to live near the most important places in their lives. If you’re looking to move close to your school, office, military base, or even into a community of like-minded folks, you can use a number of online resources to find the best apartment communities that will meet those needs. This article will give you some helpful tips on how to search for the specific type of apartment community you desire.
Finding your niche
Whether you want to live near a specific location or simply want to surround yourself with people you feel in common with, the Internet is making it much easier to find an apartment community where you’ll fit in and feel at home.
If, for example, you’re looking to live near your school or find an apartment community that’s made up mostly of students, you can start an apartment search by contacting online communities at your school. Look for a college’s housing office Web site, message board forums where students chat, and Facebook groups for student organizations. Through these forums, you can get apartment community recommendations from other students and maybe even rent an apartment with another student who needs a roommate.
Not a student? Not a problem. You can take the same approach to doing an apartment search for other specific types or categories of apartments. If you’re a pet lover, for instance, you can get online and find pet-friendly apartments. You could also search the Internet for advice on gay-friendly communities or communities of military families, for example. Work your social network to scope out the best communities for you in your city.
In fact, if you’re Facebook-savvy, you might want to check out Apartment Guide’s Facebook app. You can share a virtual apartment search with your friends by setting up your groups at Facebook.com. Click “Add Friends Now!” to try it out.
Finding demographic information
If you want to know information about a certain county or town, you can also try using City-Data.com. This Web site provides statistical data about areas along demographic lines, sorting information including income levels, education, and crime rates, among other statistics.
How to search for a particular apartment
Start your apartment search for a specific category of apartment at ApartmentGuide.com. Apartment Guide’s search engine features an expanded list of search categories that will help you focus in on exactly the type of apartment you want. You can search by zip code, neighborhood, military base, college, or a variety of unique apartment features, in addition to city and state. This interface makes it easy for you to get specific about exactly what you want to find in an apartment close to the people and places that make y